2010년 12월 21일 화요일

What is Faith?

Faith is a very ambiguous concept. It can represent multiple ideas and it can be shown through multiple actions. For example, people have can have faith in their newly picked president. As this form of faith is merely confidence in a small anxiety of life, they can also have faith for a religious macrocosm, such as God in Christianity. Even faith can be found in all aspects of life, there is one key concept about all forms of faith; trust. Faith can be most accurately defined as the trust and acceptance of a person, concept or thing. Even when citizens of a country votes on a Prime Minister or President, they are putting their faith in him or her to lead the country to a brighter future. This is the citizen's trust within their leader. Likewise, within the religion of Christianity, Christians put their absolute faith in God. They put their trust and acceptance in God. Through these two examples one can find, what I call, the “microcosm” and macrocosm of faith. 
The “microcosm” of faith is the trust that we have in smaller aspects of life. Other than voting for a Prime Minister or President, another example would be crossing the road. We cross the road when the traffic lights are red and the walk light is on. Within this everyday example, faith can be found. We subconsciously trust the drivers that they will not run over us when we are cross the road. Even in the minor aspects of life, like merely walking across the street, faith is shown. When faith is shown in smaller and less significant events of life, this is the “microcosm” of faith.

However, “macrocosm” or faith is our trust in much bigger aspects of life; something that is much more significant. The prime example of this type of faith is found within religions. Most religions have a higher being that is much more powerful and significant than we are, for example, Buddha in Buddhism, or God in Christianity. As humans, we put our trust, or faith, in a macrocosm image and lead our life through their image. We entrust more significant aspects of life, such as our purpose of our lives, unlike what we entrust in Prime Ministers or Presidents. This is the reason why I find the faith found in religions the “macrocosm” of faith. 

As faith can be found from small daily events of our lives to religion, faith is an ambiguous concept. However, without faith, it is impossible to live a life of purpose, peace, or happiness. Humans are dependent of faith due to the fact that faith is trust and acceptance. Without the trust in others peace or happiness cannot be found due to the fact that we would have to live a life filled with anxiety. Without faith in a religion, it is very difficult to find our spiritual life or the purpose of our life as well. This ambiguous concept of faith is one of the backbones of peace, harmony and happiness.

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